Why Read This Report
This report is an update to "Customer Experience Maturity Defined" originally published on September 12, 2011. This report gives customer experience professionals who discover the need to transform their firm into an experience-driven organization a vision for just what they're transforming to. To excel at customer experience, organizations must routinely perform the practices required to design, implement, and manage customer experience in a disciplined way. Forrester scanned its 13 years of customer experience research and created a framework that outlines 40 essential practices across six disciplines: customer understanding, measurement, governance, strategy, design, and culture. Organizations looking to move up the maturity curve should take stock of how they perform these practices today — if at all — and build a plan to turn an ad hoc set of activities into a self-improving customer experience management machine.
culture, customer experience, customer understanding, design, disciplines, governance, maturity framework, measurement, strategy, web design standards