Why Read This Report
Mobile is hot, but too many executives take a backward approach to developing a mobile initiative and begin with technology decisions such as "We need an iPhone application" or "Let's do something with SMS." Success in mobile demands a systematic approach, beginning with understanding your customers or target audience via their Mobile Techno graphics® Profile. Next, determine your objectives — to grow revenues or cut costs — and then build a strategy based on your desired offering, willingness to engage distribution partners, and level of corporate commitment to mobile in order to achieve those objectives. Once you have completed these three steps, then — and only then — should you choose technologies to implement these strategies and achieve your objectives. This report is an update to "The POST Method: A Systematic Approach To Mobile Strategy" originally published April 9, 2009, and outlines the full POST process. This report outlines the strategic plan of Forrester's solution for eBusiness and channel strategy executives working on their mobile eBusiness strategy and is designed to help you boost customer value through mobile services.
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